Meal Swap Examples
The information below provides ideas for Refsum diet compliant meals that are low in phytanic acid and include the adequate amount of calories and carbohydrates.
Level 1 Guidance Example

Picture Description: A breakfast with croissant, butter and coffee that would be high in phytanic acid. This can be swapped for two slices of wholemeal bread with vegan spread, eggs and glass of orange juice as a breakfast lower in phytanic acid.
Level 1 Guidance Example

Picture Description: A meal of one slice of bread with vegan spread and cup of tea. This meal would not contain enough calories. To ensure adequate calories the meal could be swapped for two slices of bread with vegan spread, along with soya yoghurt, a banana and tea.
Level 2 Guidance Example

Picture Description: A lunch of grilled chicken, rocket/arugula, carrots salad and an apple. This lunch would be too low in carbohydrates (Level 1 advice) and contain foods moderately high in phytyl esters (Level 2 advice). This can be swapped for a chicken salad sandwich, crisps and an apple, which would contain a carbohydrate portion and be lower in phytyl esters.
Sample Meal Plan
The information below provides ideas for Refsum diet compliant meals, snacks and beverages. This is not an exhaustive list. Consultation with a dietitian is recommended to find a meal plan that will meet your specific needs.
Fruit or fruit juice, tea or coffee
Breakfast cereal with soya milk or fat free cow’s milk
Any bread (except those that contain dairy such as brioche or cholla) with dairy free spread and jam, marmalade, honey or marmite
Eggs, chicken sausages/vegetarian sausages, fat-free yogurt, tomatoes, mushrooms and bread
Dairy free croissants
Dairy free biscuits or cake or cereal bar
Soya, oat or coconut yoghurt
Meal to comprise (can be as a sandwich or cooked meal):
Dairy free spread or oil to be used as a spread or in cooking or as a dressing on salad.
Options could include: Chicken, eggs, pulses or beans, quorn, tofu, dairy free cheese, turkey
Vegetables or Salad (from the GO list)
Options could include: Bread, bread roll, pitta, wrap, jacket potato, pasta, rice, sweet potato, noodles
Dairy free chocolate bar/dairy free dessert
Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit / vegetable sticks / dairy free cereal bar / dairy free biscuits or cake, crisps (potato chips), popcorn / dairy free chocolate bar / soya, coconut, or oat yoghurt
Meal to comprise (can be as a sandwich or cooked meal):
Dairy free spread or oil to be used as a spread or in cooking or as a dressing on salad.
Options could include: Chicken, eggs, pulses or beans, quorn, tofu, dairy free cheese, turkey
Vegetables or Salad (from the GO list)
Options could include: Bread, bread roll, pitta, wrap, jacket potato, pasta, rice, sweet potato, noodles
Dairy free chocolate bar/dairy free dessert
Fresh fruit
Consume fluids throughout the day such as water, tea, herbal teas, coffee, fat free cow’s milk or milk alternatives
Note: Caffeine containing drinks should be limited to no more than 3 a day